Our Main Goal - is to share and introduce this diverse cultural artform of lion dance to the local community. Our journey towards that goal has brought us in contact with various organizations who support that vision and have become keystone pillars of our growth.
The on-going support we've received from these different organizations has been monumental to our success, enabling our team to create more opportunities that has led to a greater impact throughout our local community. These opportunities have allowed us to - better hone our lion dancing skills, provide more performances to low-income communities, and maintain the general upkeep associated with our internal-external organization.
We are extremely thankful for our sponsors - who continue to believe in this vision of sharing this unique tradition and their continued support has allowed us to provide the very best experience we possibly can to the Louisville metro area and beyond. This page is dedicated to our sponsors, who are the supportive backbone of our local impact.
Coming soon...
Stay tuned for exciting news! - (Your business could be here!)
The Dragon Philosophy
The Dragon PhilosophyA modernized understanding of Eastern culture - TDP has continued to provide our team with an understanding of the history, culture, virtues & values of what it means to be a lion dancer.
Phone: N/A
Website: The Dragon Philosophy
Buddha Blessed Temple
Buddha Blessed TempleThe largest Buddhist temple in the Midwest, BBT has been an integral part to our growth by providing us a safe and supportive space for our team to practice not only our skills, but our cultural values.
Phone: 812-225-0228
Website: Buddha Blessed Temple
Flow Social Marketing
Flow Social MarketingA local digital marketing agency that invests their resources into marketing our most important events and donates those profits back to our organization.
- Check out the Event Marketing Page for more details!
Phone: 502-289-5590
Website: Flow Social Marketing

We are always actively seeking to establish new relationships that bring our team closer with our community.
We gladly accept any form of support, as support of any kind has a major impact on the success, longevity and cultural prosperity of our team in the local community.
Some benefits Include but are not limited to...
- Yearly 1st priority performances
- Recognition throughout the community
- Appearing on our email newsletters
- Discounted digital marketing
(via. Flow Social Marketing) - And more!
Learn the additional benefits of sponsoring our team today!